09:00 - 13:00
EY Seminar Suite, 1 More London Place, London SE1 2AF
Please join us for our first of our three 2019 iNED Workshop on 4 July. Workshop "London Market Results 2018 and other hot topics"
Places are restricted to a maximum of 50 on a first-come-first-served basis, so please book early to avoid disappointment - and due to this popular workshop, places are strictly limited to 2 per company.
Speakers: EY panel of senior professionals
Annual London Market Specialty Results 2018 and current hot topics: including M&A and Investment Market updates, also Delegated Authorities as EY has an up to date view on the size and growth of the overall market, governance challenges and other matters. Attendees will also have ample opportunities to meet and share views among their insurance peers facilitated by EY's Senior Professionals
Timings: 9:00 am Delegate Registration | 9:30 am Workshop Session Begins | 11:00 am Coffee Break | 1:00 pm Close
Venue: EY Seminar Suite, 1 More London Place, London SE1 2AF
Booking Fee: *£50 (including VAT)
Learning objectives: Following this Workshop, delegates should, at a high level, be able to:
• Describe the financial performance of the London Specialty Market in 2018 and compare with prior years’ performance
• Provide insights as to why individual firms have over or underperformed over the period
• Understand major insurance M&A activity during 2018
• Describe investment market conditions for insurance asset portfolios since late 2018
• Utilise up to date regulatory information to enable positive contributions to board deliberations
• Understand the key takeaways from recent E&Y research on Delegated Authorities
CPD Hours: This iNED Forum qualifies for 3.0 hours CII CPD
*50% of the revenue from tickets sold for this event will be donated to The Worshipful Company of Insurers Charitable Trust (Registered Charity Number 1175425). The WCI Trust supports the furtherance of education within the insurance industry, helps vulnerable teenagers without family support, the homeless, hospices, ex-offenders, young people looking for employment, and our injured servicemen.
Price: £50.00
Date: Thursday, 4 July, 2019 - 09:00
Download the presentations:
Annual London Market Specialty Results 2018 and current "hot topics"
Booking Fee:
£50.00 (including VAT)
EY Seminar Suite, 1 More London Place, London SE1 2AF